The SR Enterprise incorporated on 2020 –we have concentrated and expanded our business to e-commerce support. With the support of large marketing organization skilled employee’s resources we had got a Partnership agreement between Amazons with its registered Wholesale online distributors. With the new website designed SR Enterprise we need to integrate payment systems for pay-in and payout feature respectively explained below.
We are doing electronic goods distribution across amazon and other online platforms across online platform, we will received payment from public clients through online platform. On successful payment receipt we will send the order request to the whole sale distributors, the whole sale distributors will dispatch the ordered products to the client or a public’s delivery address. Payment will be paid to the wholesale dealers based on the number of successful orders.
whereas the payment collected from clients on behalf of out of stocks or un-available stocks will be repay the money back to them. The list of parts which are not dispatched within the timeframe are crosschecked & WILL BE REFUNDED TO THE CLIENTS. On the accordance of clearance sale or discount sale number of out of stock orders will be very high based on the demand. To make list of repayments to many clients and customers who ordered even the parts are out of stocks – we need payout feature.
With the above said business we started our goals from new startup division on new marketing strategy to all wholesale distributors to make easy of workflow. New growing wholesale distributors are awaiting for our services.